Thursday, August 23, 2007

State Fair

Well, E had his first Minnesota State Fair experience today. He seemed to enjoy himself pretty much. He especially loved the large scale trains Johnson and Son Floral had set up in the Ag building. I'll include the picture as soon as I get it off my phone, we accidentally left our camera at home.

Today was the first day of the fair and it was a little sprinkly when we arrived, but we beat the crowd and the temp was great. We got there around 11am and left around 3pm.

We first hit the mini donuts for breakfast, I had a Pronto Pup, Amy and I shared some fries, and then we decided to head for the Food Building because there is a vendor in there (I think it is Mr. E's) who sells pop at a reasonable price, and you can get cheap refills there. We got two 33 ounce pops for $2 with the option of a $1 refill. We never did come back for a refill, but it is nice to have the option. Plus a 33oz for $2 isn't bad. Also in the Food Building is the Mouth Trap, they sell the famous cheese curds. We had those too.

Then we each had a Poncho Dog, which is a corn dog. Over by the Grand Stand Amy had a pork chop on a stick, I had a fruit smoothie, and we got some of Sweet Martha's cookies. Oh, while we were at the Ag building, Amy also got a honey ice cream cone.

In all we spent about $42, excluding the price of tickets ($8 each since I bought them on pre-sale at work).

E did sleep a little in his stroller, and when we left we were busy hurrying through the parking lot to mind if the umbrella was covering him. He got a little wet, but he loved it. We just got done giving him a bath and getting him in dry clothes.

I go back to the fair again on Monday to work the St. Thomas booth. Yes, I'll be handing out those purple canvas bags you see everyone carrying. Judging by today, it appears other vendors have caught on as I saw people carrying light blue bags from UCare, and red bags with a bottle holder from somewhere else. Also on Monday I'll see what I want to see, such as machinery hill and the other stuff Amy doesn't care about. I won't however be able to attend Weird Al's concert. When I saw his name on the Grand Stand marquee for Monday I begged Amy, but she wouldn't let me stay late to watch it.

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