Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Misc. writing

I attended a writer's workshop training last week and had the opportunity to take some time to write! I have always really liked to write, it's just hard for me to take the time to do it. So, I thought I'd share with you what I wrote. I hope you enjoy it.

From Boy to Fish
Splash! My little boy, E, has turned into a fish! We stayed at a resort hotel in Norfolk, Nebraska while visiting family, so the opportunity couldn't be missed! E is 7 months old and finally was able to experience swimming!

We got his little swimmer diaper on and his swim trunks pulled up, all the while I was saying, "This is going to be so fun little guy!" Off we went to the pool. The glistening water was so warm as I put my feet in. E was going to love it! As I held him, I slowly walked into the pool, holding onto him tight. As I look at E's face, I saw he had an enormous grin. Pretty soon he began shaking his arms and legs with excitement. I said, "Here we go!"

Together, we pounced around, twirling in the water. E looked like the luckiest boy on earth as his bathtub size increased! In no time, he began splashing and kicking, not realizing this was causing his face to get wet. "Yay!" E said without really realizing what he said. All the while, he was smiling away, loving every minute of his first swimming experience. We were both grinning. Even those around us were grinning as they witnessed a baby getting his first taste of swimming.

After about an hour, we decided it was time for the fun to end and bedtime to begin. "All done," I said to E. We left the pool, but I rest, knowing the memories were captured through pictures and my mind. I wonder what E will think of his next bath...

Worries, Worries, Worries
Today is a very nerve-racking day! My little munchkin is going to daycare for the first time. Daddy is going to drop him off at noon, and I'll pick him up at 4 pm. It's not going to be a very long day in reality, but in my mind, it seems like an eternity. Wil he be okay? Will he sleep? Will he eat? Will he cry? Will he get hurt? Will they like him? All of these ideas are running through my head. I need to stop writing and pray. God will take care of me and E. Amen.

Always My Little Boy
E is so important to me, because he is my little boy. He's my first child and I now can't imagine my life without him. One of the things I like most about him is his sweet smile. One day, when he was about 2 months old, I was smiling at him and talking up a storm. All of a sudden, he smiled back! I was so excited! I immediately called Daddy at work and said, "Chad! E can smile back now!" He was esctatic and of course couldn't wait to try it out for himself.

Another thing I love about E is his adorable belly laugh. I laugh myself as I can hear it in my head. I remember a time when Daddy thought it would be funny to scare E, to ensure he'd handle Grandpa's enjoyment of scaring him someday. So, as E was playing, Daddy jumped and said, "Boo!" E jumped, put both arms out at his sides like an airplane, and started laughing hysterically! Chad continued to do this time after time, day after day, and each time E would laugh his belly laugh. Eventually, E had become to used to begin scared with "Boo!" that E now doesn't even jump!

I also love E's closeness. Hugging him, kissing him, snuggling with him, nursing him, are all treasured moments. When he was first born, he would wake up in the early morning hours. I would first feed him and then I'd lay down, placing E next to me in bed. We'd hug, snuggle, and eventually fall asleep together. Those were the days.

All of this is important to me because E offers me a sense of purpose in my life. My job is to nurture and love and support him all the days of my life. He'll always be my little guy, and I'll always be his ma-ma. I used to think that life was so free and fun...just me and my husband...but now I truly realize that children are what really makes life fun and meaningful. Sure, we don't have as much freedom physically and financially, but that's okay. E will always be my little guy, and I'll always be his ma-ma.

My Happy Place
On the way to the cabin,
I feel my stress release.
Quiet, peaceful, still,
my brain doesn't have to think.

Sitting by the campfire,
roasting smores or pies,
watching the stars flutter,
I wish time could stand still.

The cabins the place to be,
to relax, unwind, and rest.
For when I leave the cabin,
life gets stressful again.

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