Wednesday, August 22, 2007

First Swim, first day at day care

Well, since Amy is busy getting her classroom together, and I have been in charge of our little guy these last few days, I guess it is my turn to fill you in.

This last weekend we went to Nebraska for a wedding and we got to stay at a hotel with a pool. E took his first swim and loved it! He swam twice and enjoyed splashing and kicking in the pool.

On Monday, I took him to day care for his first half day so that I could show up at work in the afternoon. He didn't sleep at day care, but he was very tuckered out when he got home.

On Tuesday I had him all day, from 7am to 7pm. While he slept and played contently I did office work and got a lot done. I think I was more productive because I actually produced more documents and reports and caught up on my email, very measurable compared to when I am at work and running from meeting to meeting and putting out fires.

Around 5pm he was waiting for mommy and getting a little cranky with daddy because I overfed him and he was spewing excess food. He probably had a tummy ache too. Well, if he keeps saying more by opening his mouth, of course I'll give him more.

Today I worked from home again and he slept in the morning. Around noon we headed to the university so that I could visit with work people at lunch and have a brief project meeting with the Web and Media services people in the technology department.

I was planning on taking him to the meeting with me, as it was just going to be about 15 minutes, but our office coordinator recommended she just take care of him. I didn't argue.

A power outage two nights ago has disabled my home computer, so I am left working off my work laptop until I get it fixed. So don't expect new pictures up soon, even though I am home all day.

Well, E is sucking on a block, almost asleep. maybe I can get him to take a nap so that daddy can nap too. It's been a long few days.

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