Friday, July 6, 2007


Hope everyone enjoyed their 4th of July. We sure did.

We made the annual week trip to Amy's parent's place in the Brainerd Lakes area. We did some shopping, 2 rounds of mini-golf, I did 9 holes of regular golf, we grilled, sat by the camp fire, went out on the boat, and Amy fished.

We got E a new life jacket, one that was thinner. He didn't mind if we were cruising, but if we stopped to fish he didn't like it. He will have to stay back at the cabin with either Amy's mom or I when we fish. I don't fish, I just drive the boat. I used to hook the worms and remove the fish for Amy, but I'm taking a rest from that since she has her dad, cousin Laurie, and brother Rob to do that for her.

We did have some excitement on the boat. Once when we took it out it wouldn't start so it needed to be towed in by a neighbor. When we neared the dock, we didn't have control over the pontoon so I quickly grabbed the dock to push us away so we wouldn't crash. I must have pushed too hard because the next thing I knew my hands were on the dock and my tip toes were on the pontoon. Nothing but water in between. Instead of going in face first I let my feet go and soaked my pants and shoes. The water was past my waist. It was warm at least and I didn't have anything in my pockets (such as a camera or wallet) thank goodness.

The jeans were going to be thrown away when we got home anyway because it had a huge hole, so I ended up burning them in the camp fire. My shoes will never be the same. If I were wearing Chucks I could just stick them in the washing machine, but these sneakers got sand and silt in the lining and I couldn't rinse them. So, after a year of not wearing Chucks because of Plantar Fasciitis, I am back in Chucks. At least until I get a new pair of regular tennis shoes.

Since I haven't had any foot problems perhaps I'll be able to get Chucks back into my shoe rotation. I won't be able to wear them that much though.

E enjoyed his second trip up to the lake. He slept okay, and was introduced to his first baby food. He has now eaten apple sauce and sweet potatoes. He also decided he no longer wants breast milk and will only drink formula from a bottle. Amy was sad at first, but she decided she would need to ween him off in August anyway so if he choose to do it first maybe it wouldn't be so bad. He received the good stuff for almost 6 months.

He also developed a new sound. He likes doing the "THHHH" noise with his tongue. Mommy and Daddy love doing it back to him. He likes it too.

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