Sunday, July 15, 2007

6 months old!

Wow! Can you believe it? Our little guy has now turned 6 months old! Time sure has flown by. I still can't quite believe that I have now officially gone 6 months without a full nights sleep. I've been told by some to kiss those days goodbye. I'm still hoping that one day I'll wake up at 7am for the very first time. :)

It seems like I have so many new things to write about. I don't even know where to start. E is sure changing and is definitely showing us his sweet, happy personality. He is such a content little guy...unless he is tired or hungry. On his sixth month birthday, he definitely surprised a lot of us. Laurie and I brought him to get his sixth month pictures (which are adorable by the way) and the photographer wanted to have some sitting photos. I explained that he wasn't able to quite sit up on his own and voila! He did it! Right in the photo studio! It was amazing! Laurie and I just stood in awe and E sat up and smiled at the camera. It was so adorable! Then, that night we laid him down to bed in his crib and after a brief while, he started whimpering. All of a sudden he then began screaming. Chad went upstairs to see what the deal was and sure enough...little guy rolled over from his back to his tummy and he wasn't liking it. He's been able to roll over from his tummy to back since he was like two weeks old, so he definitely surprised himself and wasn't sure what to do. After three times of having this happen, Chad finally decided to lay him in our bed and lay next to him just until he fell asleep as we were both extremely tired. It took all but two minutes and E was asleep. He still struggles falling asleep, as he likes to sleep on his side now but can't seem to stablize himself without rolling over. We've found that having him sleep toward the outside of his crib helps a little. He has been going to bed around 9 lately and usually wakes up around 3 or so. We need to really start trying to get him to learn how to fall asleep on his own as he is still quite dependent on nursing in the middle of the night. E usually falls right back to sleep after eating and doesn't wake up until about 7:45 or so. He's been doing very well about sleeping in his own crib the entire night which has been so great!

Then, on Wednesday, we felt E's first tooth...which has popped out of his gums! It's the left one on the bottom. He has seemed a little crabbier today, so we decided to give him some infant motrin. It's hard to tell though if it's the tooth that is bugging him or the fact that he had his six month shots on Friday. We sure hate those! He now weighs 17 lbs and is a healthy little boy! The doctor was very impressed with how happy and content he is. Yay!

We've decided to go out and purchase a new carseat that will carry us through until E is 100lbs as it converts to a booster seat! He's almost grown out of his infant carrier. It was an expensive purchase, but one we knew we needed to make. The carseat isn't installed yet but I'm looking forward to not having to carry an infant carseat around everywhere! He's getting too heavy! It is going to stink to have to remove him from the seat if he's sleeping, but what do ya do?

E has also really started into solid foods. He's now had applesauce, sweet potatoes, pears, carrots, and peaches. He seems to really favor sweet potatoes! He seemed to be getting tired of his rice cereal, so I began mixing in fruit, but I finally decided to start giving him oatmeal today. I made sure to mix pears in it as last time we tried oatmeal, he really had trouble pooping. We'll see how it goes! The last couple of days he hasn't seemed as interested or hungry for baby food. In fact, he closes his mouth and won't open up wide. I'm hoping it's the shot and not his lack of interest because he really has enjoyed it! If it is, that's okay too. He's only 6 months old. I noticed in Chad's last blog that he mentioned that E doesn't want to nurse anymore. This isn't all true. E doesn't have patience sometimes for my milk to let down and therefore, we just give him a bottle. I'm trying really hard to cut out a feeding or two now so that I don't have to when school starts. My plan is to be done nursing when I return to teaching in late August, so it's best I start slowly weaning him and me now. So far he has responded to formula just fine...thank goodness.

I sure love my little boy! Giving him hugs and kisses are my favorite. Or when he wakes up, looks at me, and smiles the biggest smile! He looks more and more like me everyday and sure has my smiley personality! Let's hope he learns to have more patience than me though...haha

I should end this blog entry, as I'm realizing it's a long one and I should be getting to bed. Chad has said that he's going to blog about E's new toys, so look forward to reading all about that soon.

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