Monday, April 9, 2007

Sooo big!!!!

"E" is three months old today. I can't believe how fast he has grown. He now weighs 14 lbs 5 oz. It's scary to think that he's growing so fast! He's no longer so easy to carry anymore! We took him to get his pictures taken professionally today at JcPenny. He was a ham! He smiled and never cried once. The photographer told us he was such a good picture taker that it would be hard for us to pick out the pictures we wanted. So true! There wasn't a single bad picture to choose from. We are looking forward to picking up his pictures on April 20 to replace all of our wedding photos that are hanging on our walls. Times have changed.

"E" is doing all sorts of things now. He:

*puts himself to sleep in his bassinet now. All we have to do is lay him down and monitor his pacifier for a few minutes and he is out. He gets tired and wants to go to bed now around 7pm.

*wakes up twice in the middle of the night, usually around 2 and 5 am. This is much better than it was in the beginning! We feel like we finally get a good chunk of sleep.

*wakes up all smiley and happy between 7 and 8 am. It's nice not to wake up to crying!

*knows how to pass gas and even burp by himself without too many tears. No more major gas pains. Thank goodness!

*enjoys bathtime by splashing around and looking at himself in the mirror.

*smiles and even sometimes laughs when I whistle and make noises with my mouth. He also still responds to my "witch laugh".

*bats, kicks, and grabs onto objects dangling on his floor gym. He especially likes holding onto the monkey!

*loves car rides. He stays awake for a short time and then boom, falls asleep.

*sits up on the couch and only occassionally tilts to one side

*loves watching tv. We try our best to shield him!


*shrieks when he is excited!

I'm sure there is more, but I can't think of anything right now. If I do, I'll come back to add it. Our next goal is to begin the transition from his bassinet in our room to his crib in his bedroom. We tried it one night but it was very stressful for me, as I was hearing every little noise on the baby monitor so I couldn't sleep. He did last 4 hours though in his crib. It was a great start! A slow transition (for all of us) will be nice.

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