Monday, April 30, 2007

Back to work Mommy goes...

The time has come that I must return back to work. Every time I think about it, tears well up in my eyes. I just keep telling myself that E will be in good hands with his grandmas and auntie Laurie as they will be taking turns watching him while I finish these last 27 days of the school year. I then get to have another 3 months with my special little boy. It's going to be hard that first day, as I truly feel like my job on this earth now is to be a mom, not a teacher. However, I just continue to keep praying about I trust that God will make me feel at peace with whatever His plan for me is. Please keep me in your prayers this week...

As far as our little boy, let's see. He is just perfect! He is definitely beginning to let us know what he likes and doesn't like. He now likes to sit up and stand up (with support of course), rather than lay down. I think he associates laying down with sleeping. He also has begun to clasp his hands together, truly suck his thumb, stare at his toes, use his exersaucer, mouth everything, and try his best to communicate. He enjoys going for rides in his stroller too! He is such a social boy. He loves being talked to and will remind you to keep talking if you've stopped for too long of a period. I can't complain...he's perfect!

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