Thursday, May 12, 2005

Buddy's New Diet

We went to the vet on Tuesday to get Buddy checked out. She seemed to have a problem now and then with items involving fecal matter that I won’t get into.

The vet informed us that she was a little over weight and probably wasn’t getting the fiber she needed. She now has to be on a diet that really gets her to eat her greens. Buddy has never liked pellets and really loves her treats. Unfortunately we need to cut back on the treats and make her eat the healthy stuff.

Right now I’ve been giving her some Romaine lettuce and parsley. I’ve also cut back on the amount of food we’ve given her so that she doesn’t have the luxury of only eating what she likes. Usually in the morning she is hopping around waiting to be feed. Once I put the dish in her cage she immediately dashes over and picks out the stuff she likes and pushes aside what she doesn’t. The stuff she doesn’t like used to end up in the trash. Not anymore, we need to get her to eat it.

Yesterday morning, when I fed her I left the uneaten stuff she hates in her dish and gave her a few of her favorites. When I put the dish back she dashed over like usual, but when she poked her head in the dish she stopped, looked up at me as if to say, “what, that’s it?” and slowly made her way over to her hay stack for a few munchies. She was not impressed.

Yesterday afternoon I fed her Romaine and parsley for the first time. It took her a while but she started eating it and finished it all up by the next morning. Today she worked through it pretty quickly.

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