Friday, July 18, 2008

Hello, Again

I had to cut that last entry short as E was crying. Anyway, as E has been busy saying new words (He just said "Outside" earlier this afternoon meaning he wanted to go out) I have been busy trying to recapture our last year of memories. The day after we got back from our July 4th weekend my computer crashed. Luckily the backup had run hours before so in theory I should not have lost anything, but unfortunately the back up software won't recognize it as a backup and refuses to reload it onto my computer. It looks like several months worth of backups can't be read and I'm not quite sure why. i finally resorted to one from September of 2007.

This means that I have all documents and pictures from before September 2007, but I don't have October (Halloween), December (Christmas), January (E's birthday) all the way through June. I never downloaded pics from our camera for June and July so those are still safe.

I can download all of the pics I uploaded to Walgreen's so at least we have some of the memorable ones, and I think that should at least help the wound.

I did find Easter pictures on my work laptop, so at least that helps. I did scan in about 100 pictures of trains (about 4 hours of work) which is lost.

For seven years my backup software has run smoothly, I don't know why it quit now. My computer has crashed 5 times in the last seven years and I never lost anything. So much for a perfect track record.

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