Wednesday, March 21, 2007

First Trip

Our little guy made his first big trip this week to Nebraska. It took us about seven hours to get there and he did little fussing. We only had to stop once on the way there and twice on the way back to feed him. He slept much of the rest of the time.

In Nebraska Grams (Grandma Kluck) hosted all his great aunts and uncles on my side as well as many of his second cousins. One of his great aunts couldn't make it since she lives in Arizona. A mini shower was thrown and my cousin Tina made a cake that resembled him. If he had a gummy Life Saver mouth and hair made of chocolate licorice that is.

By the way, the party took place on St. Patrick's Day, so our little guy was of course dressed appropriately with a shirt that said "Happy Little Leprechaun."

The party tuckered him out so much he slept pretty much all day the next day and even after we got home.

He has certainly grown in the last few weeks. He now likes to sit propped up, he smiles more (even in between fussiness which means he can smile in the face of adversity) he interacts more with his play gym, and he knows the difference when his mobile is moving or stopped. He prefers that it is moving and will grunt for mommy or daddy to wind it up again when it isn't. It used to be that he would stare up at his mobile -- whether it was moving or not -- with a look of happiness and satisfaction. I guess we have to try harder to please him now.

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