Tuesday, March 27, 2007

First Walk Outside

We had a few warm days so Amy took our little guy outside for a walk on Sunday the 25th. (She walked while he rode in the stroller.) I stayed home sick.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Oh to be a kid again...

I just got done reading Chad's blog about "E's" first real bath, and I noticed he forgot to mention something! E loved it!!! He was busy splashing and kicking in the water all the while having a big grin on his face. He never once cried, which I thought he was going to do being this was his first immersion in water since being born. I can't help but wonder if he felt like he was back in my womb...safe and sound.

Giving him a bath reminded me of what fun I had in the tub as a kid. I loved bath time! I remember that we had a cabinet full of bath toys in the bathroom that I would fully empty during my baths. I also remember getting sponge letters wet and sticking them on the walls of the tub. What fun memories that I had forgotten all about! It makes me so excited for Easter, Christmas, the Tooth Fairy visits, and all of that fun kid stuff! :) "E" is going to help me live life through the eyes of a kid again...

First Bath

The little guy had his first bath tonight. Up until now we've given him sponge baths because his belly button had not yet healed. To save him the embarrassment of showing his bathing picture to any girlfriends when he is a teenager, we decided to get it out of the way and show any potential girlfriends (and the world) the picture here. I'm sure he appreciates that.

As for his belly button, what happened was that the outside healed faster than the inside, which poses a problem. He had to have two treatments of silver nitrate to take care of it. It looks much better and is now normal.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

First Trip

Our little guy made his first big trip this week to Nebraska. It took us about seven hours to get there and he did little fussing. We only had to stop once on the way there and twice on the way back to feed him. He slept much of the rest of the time.

In Nebraska Grams (Grandma Kluck) hosted all his great aunts and uncles on my side as well as many of his second cousins. One of his great aunts couldn't make it since she lives in Arizona. A mini shower was thrown and my cousin Tina made a cake that resembled him. If he had a gummy Life Saver mouth and hair made of chocolate licorice that is.

By the way, the party took place on St. Patrick's Day, so our little guy was of course dressed appropriately with a shirt that said "Happy Little Leprechaun."

The party tuckered him out so much he slept pretty much all day the next day and even after we got home.

He has certainly grown in the last few weeks. He now likes to sit propped up, he smiles more (even in between fussiness which means he can smile in the face of adversity) he interacts more with his play gym, and he knows the difference when his mobile is moving or stopped. He prefers that it is moving and will grunt for mommy or daddy to wind it up again when it isn't. It used to be that he would stare up at his mobile -- whether it was moving or not -- with a look of happiness and satisfaction. I guess we have to try harder to please him now.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

He's been framed

Our little guy feels more like a member of our family. Weird, yes, but true since he finally has a picture hanging on the wall. 5 framed pictures around the house to be exact.

Now I've had pictures of him in my office since I went back to work, but we didn't have any pictures of him around the house. Of course we have pictures, hundreds of them, including a hundred we actually had developed.

I don't think Amy and I have had our digital pictures developed in years, so many are just stored on our computers, but we have been having pictures of him developed almost every two weeks. I'm sure we have close to 80 prints of him, the most digital developing we've ever done! It's not lack of pictures, it was the lack of the right pictures.

I took his 2 month picture and it was that picture, and a few more around then that just really made him seem so much less of a visitor and so much more of a member of the family. They seemed ultra frame-able. I can't wait to share more of these on our web site soon!

Friday, March 9, 2007

My little boy is already 2 months old!

Today our little guy is two months old! I can't believe how fast time has flown! I look back at pictures from the first couple of days and can't believe how much he's growing and changing. We sure are loving every minute with him. We enjoy his smiles, laughs, coos, and most of all his snuggles. He loves to snuggle on my shoulder...my favorite! He enjoys kicking his legs and moving his arms...sometimes I think he's practicing his karate moves. Also, he loves going for car rides and seeing places! He's definitely got his mom's social personality. He likes staying busy just like me. When he wakes up in the morning, I will often times lay in bed with him...just trying to squeeze in a little bit more sleep. He has begun to roll on his side from his back to scoot next to me. He's already mastered rolling over from his tummy to his back by the time he was two weeks old. He is definitely a strong guy. He can already support his head!

His two month check up went well. Of course I was concerned about his shots when I learned he was going to get poked four times! Thankfully Chad went with to be there for moral support for the little guy during the shots, as I tried hard to focus on reading a magazine. :) He cried a bloody murder scream, but all was done in a few short seconds. It amazed me, and the nurse said she's got a lot of practice getting it over fast...thank goodness. We gave the little guy some infant Tylenol after the shots and throughout the first night. He wanted to sleep inbetween us that night and that was okay. He needed to be comforted. The next morning he woke up kicking his legs and was happy-go-lucky! Yay! No major discomforts or reactions.

Just last night I wondered what I did with all of my time before the arrival of this little munckin. I sure can't imagine life without him...he's my little boy!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

2 month appointment

Our little guy had his 2 month appointment on Monday, March 5. He is 22 1/2 inches long, and weighs 12 pounds 3 ounces. He also received 4 shots which made him a little sore, but it wasn't too bad. We gave him some pain medicine and he slept a lot.

I got some exercise today, you may read more about my hunt for the UST treasure by going to my other blog. Everyone seems to be more interested in our little guy when they read this blog so I won't clutter it with my own adventures.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Little Guy's Smile

For those of you who have checked out the video Chad posted on the website about the little guy's smile, I have to say a few things about it. First of all, yes, I know my laugh sounds like a witch. Apparently I do that when I get excited without even realizing it. My son must already know how silly I am because every time I intentionally laugh the "witch laugh," he smiles and laughs too. We couldn't resist putting that video up on the web, as we both have enjoyed it several times already and wanted to share it. Next thing about that video is this. I am beginning to see me in the little guy now. When he was first born, I thought he was going to be all Chad, but I'm beginning to think that there just may be some of my looks in him too! Others have also commented about it just this past week...a lot of people see my brother's looks in him too. Yay! My brother's cute, so I'm okay with that! :)

I am still really enjoying my time home with him. I don't have to go back to teaching until May 2, which I feel so blessed about! I can't imagine leaving this little guy already! Even though he's already almost two months old, he tugs on my heart strings every day! His smiles, pouting lip, and cute noises all tell me that he's more aware of Chad and I every day. He especially likes to snuggle with me...something that I will hold onto as I know he won't want to in a few years. I'll take it while I can.

He is beginning to sleep more at night now, which is definitely a welcomed change. The past two nights he has slept for six hours! The first night his extended night's sleep occurred, I woke Chad up right away as I thought maybe he wasn't breathing...but he was...and is...let's hope he continues to sleep for such long stretches at night. His mommy and daddy sure appreciate it! Speaking of which...I should probably go to bed as he just fell asleep. Gotta get in my sleep when I can.
