Friday, February 9, 2007

The Little Guy's First Smile

Okay, so I have to get into this blogging thing as my husband is completely obsessed with it. I called him yesterday to tell him that the little guy smiled his first true smile back at me and what does he say? "You should really blog that!" So, here I am...writing my very first blog ever.

So the first smile goes like this. I was giving "E" a bath yesterday. All the while I was talking and smiling and all of a sudden, he smiles back! His eyes are completely opened, so I knew it wasn't one of his reflexive smiles. But just to make sure, after his bath, we sat in the glider chair together facing one another. I started making silly faces and smiling and boom! He did it again a few more times! It was confirmed. He can now see me and respond to me using his beautiful toothless smile. Seeing him smile at me made me glow and anticipate the next one.

Also, for the first time today, "E" has begun making several new noises of excitement while he is playing and checking out our house and his toys. For a little guy, he can sure make his presence known...a characteristic he must have picked up from his mom...

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