Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Monday, February 26, 2007

Savings Account

Today I went to my work's credit union and started my son's savings account. It was started with $30 given to me by his great-aunt and great-grandmother. I've also set up payroll deductions to help it grow. Hopefully he'll have enough money there to buy a car, travel, or buy one semester's worth of books when he goes to college.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

46.6 days old

Our little guy is now 46.6 days old! He smiles, plays with his plastic keys, looks at mobiles, and plays with his floor gym.

He still wakes up every 2-3 hours at night for feedings. Sometimes he lasts 4 or 5 hours, but not too often. He went through 2 changing pads today by pooping and peeing on them at separate changes, and I now have a lot of laundry to do. He's been pooping through a lot of clothes too.

We've had to sort out stuff he's already outgrown and are starting to look at some of the stuff marked 3-6 months.

He went to his first restaurant last night. Amy and I decided to bring him with us to Pizza-Hut and he slept the whole time! Even if he did wake up, it was pretty busy and noisy there so it wouldn't have been too bad.

Friday, February 9, 2007

The Little Guy's First Smile

Okay, so I have to get into this blogging thing as my husband is completely obsessed with it. I called him yesterday to tell him that the little guy smiled his first true smile back at me and what does he say? "You should really blog that!" So, here I am...writing my very first blog ever.

So the first smile goes like this. I was giving "E" a bath yesterday. All the while I was talking and smiling and all of a sudden, he smiles back! His eyes are completely opened, so I knew it wasn't one of his reflexive smiles. But just to make sure, after his bath, we sat in the glider chair together facing one another. I started making silly faces and smiling and boom! He did it again a few more times! It was confirmed. He can now see me and respond to me using his beautiful toothless smile. Seeing him smile at me made me glow and anticipate the next one.

Also, for the first time today, "E" has begun making several new noises of excitement while he is playing and checking out our house and his toys. For a little guy, he can sure make his presence known...a characteristic he must have picked up from his mom...

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Vacation Day

Little guy didn't sleep last night (literally) either Amy or I was up for hours with him trying to entertain him or rock him to sleep. He never slept. Amy did most of the work though, and drained the batteries in the swing. I got really frustrated last evening between 10 and 12 because I saw no sleep in sight and was not happy about having to go to work.

Amy saw my frustration and took the little guy down stairs until about 5:30 am. I've been up since, listening to our furnace struggle. As of this post it is -5.1 degrees F.

Our furnace is still having trouble kicking in. It does 3 attempts, waits, tries again until successful. I've determined it is a status 34 - Ignition failure - from the blinking light that blinks quickly 3 times and then gives 4 long blinks. It took me a while to learn how to communicate with the furnace. At least it has easy to read signals.

I'll take a vacation day today so Amy and I can catch up, and I have a big day tomorrow as I start out in Bloomington at 7:00am for my professional meeting and plan on working a full day for once.