Sunday, November 30, 2008

E's almost two!

Wow, can you believe that our little guy is almost two? It is absolutely amazing to me to think about how fast two years can go! I haven't blogged in so long about our little guy, that I've decided I need to sit down right now and here I go!

E is gaining new skills each and every day! It's amazing how fast he learns! Chad and I are going to need to be really careful with what we say and do from now on! :)

There are many new things in E's world...It's probably easiest if I just sit and type out a list:

1. E is talking, talking and talking. Everyday he picks up new words, short phrases, and never ceases to amaze us! My most favorite right now is when I say "I love you," he'll say, "Love you." It's adorable! Opps, another one of my favorites too is when someone sneezes. E will say "bless you!" How sweet is that! Okay, one more. Every morning when I get ready to leave for work, E will say "Hug?" He'll come over, have me sit on the stairs, and give me a giant hug. He's definitely my buddy.

2. E sleeps in a big boy bed on the floor now. His crib was taken down this weekend, as he continues to sleep through the night in his big boy bed. He loves his bed...especially when all of his stuffed animals are with him!

3. E is definitely into the pretend stage. Whether it's pretending to blow his nose, go potty (which he's done twice now!), or pretending to sleep, he just loves it. It's funny to see him mimic things Chad and I do too. Next time you see E, ask him to show you daddy's dance!!!!

4. E has turned into Mr. Comedian. Especially when we have company over, he puts on a show for all of us to see...including jumping, skipping, spinning in circles, etc. Personally, I'm waiting to see one of his "singing shows" which I participated in as a kid. Yes, hopefully someday he'll sing. :)

With the holidays around the corner, hopefully we'll all remember to take a moment to be thankful for all we really do have. We sure are thankful for little E.

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