Sunday, February 3, 2008

Welcome to toddlerville!

Gosh, it seems like it's been forever again since I've taken the time to blog. Between being a mom, wife, housekeeper and teacher, I sure find very little time for all of the extras that life has to offer. I decided that it was time I come on here and blog, as there are so many new things to share!

First of all, E has turned 1! I surely can't believe that my little baby is now a toddler! We celebrated his birthday in a very fun way! We had a party at our house on Saturday, January 5th at 4. Go figure that E had fallen asleep right before everyone showed up. Thankfully it wasn't a very long nap so that he was able to enjoy his own party. We decided on Thomas as our theme as E (and daddy) love trains. We had lasagna, salad, and bread for dinner and then cake for dessert. Godmother Laurie made a special cake for E which he devoured with every little finger. He enjoyed sharing his cake with Grandpa as it was his birthday that day. In attendance at the party was Great grandma and grandpa Arntson, Grammy and Grandpa Arntson, Uncle Rob and girlfriend Kerri, Godmother Laurie, Grams, Aunt Summer and Uncle Adam, and of course Mom and Dad. It was lots of fun and by the night's end, E had several new outfits and toys to wear and play with. On E's actual birthday, I had scheduled a doctor's appointment for myself on his big day so that I was able to stay home to celebrate and enjoy his special day with him. Grams (Chad's mom) was still with us so she was able to celebrate too. We first went to my doctor's appointment and then off to E's daycare for a little party there. They had a banner hanging and a balloon for him to take home. All of the little kids sat with their party hats on and "sang" to E. We brought cupcakes and cookies to share with everyone. E, of course, stuffed the whole thing in his mouth and began trying to take others. Then, after naptime we met Chad at the MOA. We took E on four rides: carousel, train ride, balloon ride, and the truck ride. Even though he wasn't smiling from ear to ear, we knew he was enjoying himself. He was just taking it all in. We ended up having dinner there too. E ate a grilled cheese from Johnny Rockets that he shared with Grams. All in all, it was a great day!

So what's new?

E now has 8 teeth (four on top and four on bottom). He has been sleeping through the night again but we know it won't be long before he begins waking up again. Teething SUCKS! That's all I have to say about that!

E has been eating real people more buying jars of Gerber baby food. He really enjoys cheese, fruits, carrots, canned green beans, crackers, yogurt, and bread. We've been trying to get him to eat meat, but it's been very difficult. Even pizza he's hesitant to try! Let's hope with time he becomes not so picky! His favorite has been homemade quesadillas with cheese and black beans.

E doesn't drink any more formula! YAY! Our pocketbooks appreciate it most definitely! We give him a bottle before naptime and bedtime but with whole milk instead of formula. Throughout the day we offer him milk and water from a cup. He's a master at that. We're hoping to nix the bottle eventually...but we're making progress.

E takes his naps now in his crib at home. NO MORE swing! We ended up sending his swing and lots of other things home with Rita this last time she was here. E has been doing perfect sleeping in his crib at home during naptime. The daycare is now beginning to transition E from the swing to his crib at daycare as well. It hasn't been easy, but they're working on it.

E blabbers all the time to himself! He loves hearing his voice and is found "talking on the phone" constantly. His only word he truly says is "mama" but I'm sure there are other words but we just don't identify it. I have been testing him lately and he knows what a bottle, snack, book, bath, upstairs, train, choo choo, and ball are. :)

Lastly, I know everyone is wondering, is E walking? YES! We had brought him to Penny's to get his pictures taken the same day as his birthday party. My mom and dad and Chad's mom came with us and as we were looking at the pictures, my mom yelled, "Amy! Look!" Sure enough, I look over and there's my little guy walking to my mom. We were all so excited that we were all able to see it for the first time together! Great job planning that one, E! After that, E would take a few steps here and there but would immediately drop to his knees to crawl when he'd get nervous. However, within the last couple of days, he's shown us that he is definitely now walking and knows it! If he falls, he stands up and gets right back to it again. It's soooooo sweet to see him upright!

E is definitely a very curious little guy who loves to get his hands on any new objects he can. He keeps up busy as he's always on the go, but man, what a blessing! Seeing him smile, wave, or even open up his mouth to try to kiss me, is the greatest. I love him!

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