Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Likes and Dislikes!

I thought I'd take the time to rattle off some of E's likes and dislikes. Now that he's 6+ months old, he definitely makes it known what he does and doesn't like! haha

Sweet potatoes
cereal mixed with fruit
sleeping on his tummy
rolling over from his back to tummy
daddy's silly belly laughs
mommy's funny noises
water bottles (I even let him drink from one a few times. He thinks he's pretty hot stuff.)
putting everything in his mouth
falling asleep in his swing
grandma and grandpa's dog, Kirby
walks in the stroller (as long as the stroller is moving...doesn't like to sit in stroller without movement)
being talked to
his Jumparoo
his exersaucer
bath time (can't wait to take him swimming!)
being outside
being sung to...especially when there's actions
playing peek-a-boo
familiar faces, voices, and places
getting pictures taken...he's a little model in training
the noise of water running
going for car rides...unless he's hungry
the telephone...he smiles and reaches for the phone if he recognizes the voice
watching tv (we really have to shield him from this. He's already drawn)
being scared by daddy (Chad is determined to teach E not to be a "fradie cat" (spelling?)

green beans (will eat a few bites but then seals his lips shut. I hear that this is common)
diaper changes without any toys or if he's really hungry
unfamilar faces and voices
going to see the doctor for shots
the loud noises of motorcycles hurts! (He now has two teeth...they are both on the bottom. The second one is just poking through the gums but the first is very visible. No more toothless smile!)

As you can see, we are very lucky to have such a happy little boy! Let's hope he stays as content as he is now. His smiles and laughs brighten our days.

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