Sunday, November 30, 2008

E's almost two!

Wow, can you believe that our little guy is almost two? It is absolutely amazing to me to think about how fast two years can go! I haven't blogged in so long about our little guy, that I've decided I need to sit down right now and here I go!

E is gaining new skills each and every day! It's amazing how fast he learns! Chad and I are going to need to be really careful with what we say and do from now on! :)

There are many new things in E's world...It's probably easiest if I just sit and type out a list:

1. E is talking, talking and talking. Everyday he picks up new words, short phrases, and never ceases to amaze us! My most favorite right now is when I say "I love you," he'll say, "Love you." It's adorable! Opps, another one of my favorites too is when someone sneezes. E will say "bless you!" How sweet is that! Okay, one more. Every morning when I get ready to leave for work, E will say "Hug?" He'll come over, have me sit on the stairs, and give me a giant hug. He's definitely my buddy.

2. E sleeps in a big boy bed on the floor now. His crib was taken down this weekend, as he continues to sleep through the night in his big boy bed. He loves his bed...especially when all of his stuffed animals are with him!

3. E is definitely into the pretend stage. Whether it's pretending to blow his nose, go potty (which he's done twice now!), or pretending to sleep, he just loves it. It's funny to see him mimic things Chad and I do too. Next time you see E, ask him to show you daddy's dance!!!!

4. E has turned into Mr. Comedian. Especially when we have company over, he puts on a show for all of us to see...including jumping, skipping, spinning in circles, etc. Personally, I'm waiting to see one of his "singing shows" which I participated in as a kid. Yes, hopefully someday he'll sing. :)

With the holidays around the corner, hopefully we'll all remember to take a moment to be thankful for all we really do have. We sure are thankful for little E.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Sleeping in a big boy bed

Our new mattresses came on Saturday and since he doesn't have a bed yet, we just put his on the floor in the corner. Tonight is the second night he fell asleep on it and if it is anything like last night he should sleep the whole night through, which is great! He sleeps in the upper right corner against the wall. It is so cute.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cook and organizer

Since Thursday, when the new kitchen set for E arrived at our house, our little boy has been busy putting food in his oven, refrigerator, on his stove, and dumping out and sorting his food and dish bin. It has been amazing watching him immerse himself in his own little mini-kitchen, setting our real dining room table with plates, cups and fake food, offering drink to his stuffed animals, and even bringing us pots and pans with various combinations of food. (Usually eggs and potatoes).

Amazingly, he has taken out no other toys in the last 5 days. Honest to God, not a single one. When we come down stairs for breakfast, he immediately runs over to his kitchen and starts moving stuff around while I get his breakfast ready.

As Amy and I prepare dinner (okay, as Amy prepares dinner) he is off in his own kitchen playing. It has been a relief to get him away from our side and into an activity where he may believe that he actually has a part to play in getting himself fed. Whereas before he just sat there in the kitchen, hungry, clinging to our legs, crying as we tried to whip up some food for him as fast as we could.

Last night his dinner actually got cold before I could pull him away from his plastic food preparation.

He enjoys sorting items out, finding all the eggs and putting them in the carton, placing the milk jugs next to each other in the fridge, placing pots and pans in his dishwasher, and pretending to turn the nobs on the sink and stove.

Organization seems to be his strong suit. Last night I put our alarm clock, which also has a temperature reader on it, in his crib in order to see how cold his room gets before bedtime. No sooner had I left the room when I heard the beeping of the buttons coming from our bedroom. I go into our bedroom to see E on our bed placing the alarm clock back on our headboard. He must have thought I misplaced it in his room and he should put it back where it belonged!

I've written about him placing clothes (sometimes clean ones) in the laundry room, picking up his toys (that is starting to wear off), and being able to recall where he put items days later, but to immediately put the alarm clock back where it should be without missing a beat was hilarious. (Even though it went against my wishes and I never did figure out what the temperature in there was.)